Celebrating 52 Rotations Around the Sun!

My birthday is always a natural time to do a bit of reflection and planning. I pause to really notice the ways that I am dreaming my world into being. I remember how the cosmos is conspiring with me to make my dreams come true. I weave the threads of my deepest desires of mind, heart, body and soul into a vision. I hold strategies and tactical plans lightly, with the playfulness of whimsical wisdom. It’s Cosmic Dreamweaving.

Part of my birthday retreat is reviewing memories. I have the final installment of photos to share from our big road trip up the Oregon Coast. The other two photo galleries from that trip can be found here (Mt. Shasta & redwoods) and here (sea lions!). The gallery below includes beach scenes, sea caves, sand dunes and other shots too good not to share!

Entering the caves was both thrilling and profound in a way I can’t fully express. While I’ve been in many land caves before, this was my first experience with sea caves. Some ancient primal part of me felt so connected to the caves. Of course the reflection brought up Dreamwishes for more new experiences, profound explorations and family vacations in the moons ahead!

This year, as I celebrate the year passing and dream into my next spiral around the sun, I’m delighted to be using our Dreamoire of Moonlit Alchemy! This is quite literally a creation born of last year’s Cosmic Dreamweaving as you can see in the photo below. That vision card displaying “Moonlit Alchemy” is from last year, and that dreamwish took physical form as the two published guided journals also pictured! One dated is for 2024, the other is undated for those of us who do not conform to the Gregorian calendar in every aspect of our lives. 😉

I know I am biased, having co-created it, but it includes everything I love for reflection and planning. It’s a place to capture key memories, magical moments, connect with myself for each moon phase throughout the year. Then as retreat annually or quarterly, I have a concise highlights for reflection and planning. It made this year’s birthday retreat extra magical!

Another Dreamwish for the coming moons is to expand upon the prompts in the journal, stir the most magical visioning practices we’ve found into the quantum cauldron to create a new experience in Cosmic Dreamweaving that we can share with every Wonder Weaver on the planet who has interest.

Do you have a reflection and planning process that works for you? We’d love to hear about it!

6 Replies to “Celebrating 52 Rotations Around the Sun!”

  1. Bright blessings on your birthday! I hope this year is the best trip ‘round 🌞 yet!

    Magic & Mirth from your Mosswood friend✨✨

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