Pumpkins, long walks in crunchy leaves, hot apple cider, and witchy stories. Threshold words—liminal spaces, thin veil, spooky, witchy, betwixt & between, mystery & enchantment. It’s all wrapped up in the same feeling essence as secret passages, the game of clue, hidden places, ghost stories, seances & black cats. They evoke such magical feelings. When we are unafraid of whatever is scary or strange we are actually having fun! Can we embrace darkness? How do we balance the light? Can we approach more oddities and unusual things in life with this kind of open-minded playfulness?
Today, instead of writing to you, I recorded a 2 minute reflection on balance…
And, here’s a 2 minute autumn mood making video to put you in tune with pulse of the season!
It’s my favorite season!! May yours be filled with magic!!