Playful Parc Practices

What habits in your daily life could use a bit of magic? 

Building momentum in any one area of your life naturally tends to increase your motivation in every other area, then your overall vitality is magically supercharged! What area do you want to build momentum in first?
  • Yoga?
  • Music?
  • Eating?
  • Exercise?
  • Meditation?
  • Artistic practices?
  • Water consumption?
  • Or something else entirely?
  • Perhaps begin with a daily habit of play?

Do you believe it’s possible to make daily habits fun? Peppertwig, Fig, and everyone here in Parc de Jeux is willing to suspend disbelief, create playful approaches to mundane tasks, and connect to our wild nature!


Seemingly simple habits actually have a lot of mechanics involved. First, we need to remember and be intentional about doing the thing, then, in the moment of doing the thing we know will bring more vitality, we need to FEEL like it. Whether you call it discipline, motivation, or commitment, it boils down to a decision-point of some kind. Then, the action needs to become consistently repeatable, and by then we’ve sucked every bit of fun out of it! Fig & I believe vitality comes from delight in our natural selves, playfulness, and magical momentum. Our parc practices are all designed to help you lighten up, tune into modes of momentum, and enrich your life with playful vitality!

Lunar Cycle

Tune into the phases of the moon and notice how your own energy follows a natural cycle. Each of the four main moon phases is about a week long, so it’s a natural structure for choosing and logging. Set a new intention at the new moon, adjust actions for improvement at the 1st quarter, celebrate successes and re-commit at the full moon, assess and reflect during the last quarter, then repeat.

Play Quests

These are sporadic mini-adventures, scavenger hunts, creative prompts and whimsical thought exercises offered for your physical or imaginal participation. 

12 Archetypal Modes of Momentum

Engage in Peppertwig Prompts every few days to magic-up your mundane habit and connect with the archetypal cycle of your wild nature in a deeper way. As the moon moves through each of the 12 zodiac constellations, you’ll be prompted to tap into that archetypal mode of momentum. Moon magic illuminates the processes we undergo as we create moment to moment.
Magical vitality, self-care, & health can be joyful when we remember how to delight in daily mundane activities, build momentum in our habits, and do it all with a playful spirit! We’ll be weaving moon magic into our mundane moments with Play Logs, the Lunar Cycle, and 12 Archetypal Modes of Momentum!