Spring Dreams of Summer

What did you love about spring and summer when you were a young wildling? Give yourself a moment to revel in any enchanted memories that come up while you peruse this list!

  • Playing in the river or swimming in the pool
  • Climbing trees and making forts
  • Running barefoot
  • Picking flowers, braiding them or making crowns
  • Playing tag or other yard games
  • Riding bikes
  • Gathering nature’s abundant ingredients for a witches brew or other creations
  • Digging in the sand, making mud pies for picnics with the faeries
  • Picking wild strawberries
  • Pretending to be in an enchanted forest and treasure hunting in the creek
  • Wandering in the woods and befriending critters
  • Bonfires, stargazing, camping out, and telling ghost stories
  • Chasing fireflies

What others came to mind? Which were your favorites? If you have an addition to our list, we’d love to hear it!

My yellow roses beckon me to embrace a joyful enchanted vibe. I love to hang my swinging chair from the branch just behind the roses and read or daydream as soon as the temperatures warm each year, and even on the hottest days it stays fairly cool in the shade of these trees, a maple and a rowan. Behind it, you’ll notice a shed – that’s my Imaginarium! This is what I’ve named my creative work play space. These joyful elements of my life have been the fruit of steady, small, conscious cultivation over time.

You are invited to cultivate joy! We believe it’s important to find joy in daily life, even in hard moments. How? By looking for the gold in every experience. It’s there. And your magic is the practice of unveiling it through creative alchemy. When you discover the gold in mundane or even difficult aspects of life, then you can resiliently get back to enjoying more of your daily life.

👣 Go barefoot. Seriously. Just take 5 minutes to put your bare feet onto some earth and wiggle your toes! Bonus points if you are at the beach!

🏞️ Sit outdoors. Read a magazine, have a cup of iced tea, or just look up at the clouds. 

🛝 Play something outside. Try a yard game, ride a bike, blow bubbles or swing on a swing. Throw a ball to a kid or a dog, or toss one straight up and then catch it!

These activities are intentionally short and uncomplicated. Do one per week for three weeks. Do something you loved to do as a kid. Cultivate joy, the world needs more of it. Lasting happiness is made up of small moments. Open up to the wonders around you.

Effervescent Heart Sparkle Quest

Check in with your heart. How does winter’s reign feel to you? Like a cozy embrace with a slow pace? If not, is that something that sounds like relief to you? Do you need a permission slip to simplify and create a bit more breathing room into your life? Where can you add a bit more white space? Is there any way to give yourself a bit bigger margins in your plans?

The winter sun is slowly growing the length of our days in the northern hemisphere. Mother nature is resting externally, and stirring the very force of creation internally. Spring is in the belly of winter. In any given moment you may feel like savoring your winter pursuits, or find yourself delicately conjuring dreams of spring in your imagination. Just as life is stirring deep within the earth, we may be just beginning to feel whisps of excitement about projects and ideas…

It’s exactly as mother nature intended. She inspires us to feel a bit of both… soothed by the white space of sparkling snow, AND activated by wishes for the coming spring. In honor of these vibes, as well as February’s focus on heart, we’ve a quest for you!

Effervescent Heart Sparkle Quest!

Recall a time when you’ve seen the snow or a body of water appear as dancing diamonds by a magical play of light. The play of light can take an ordinary scene and bring it to life with such vibrant effervescence!

Next, think about the other meaning of “light” as in “light-hearted” or the opposite of weighed down.

Now, play with this kind of light in your own life to see if it can bring about some shift in your sense of spaciousness, heart expansion and magic. In other words, play with lightening up until you feel effervescent heart sparkles!

Arranging our daily lives with the seasons and cycles (instead of only linear planning) makes today’s creative sparks “in the belly” become the fire of activation in the next season. It’s nature’s creative alchemy. Our own creative cycles mirror that of nature—seed, sprout, growth, bloom, harvest, and rest.

There still time for slower living in the weeks ahead while our minds are cultivating winter dreams, and heartwish seeds are stirring deep in our psyches. The shift in the season inspires shifted focus, a deeper appreciation of liminal qualities, and a sense of anticipation. The wheel of the year turns, and we find ourselves feeling the urges of both winter and spring at any point in our days.

Enjoy the contrast of full-on snuggle mode with occassional a stirrings of motivation. Perhaps the dust bunnies are calling? The lengthening daylight may begin to show you things needing attention, but you have permission to take it slow. Winter is loosening its grip. Your heart’s desires are beginning to effervesce!

We’d love to read your comments if you try the quest or if you notice any extra magic sparkles!

Dance of the Dreamweavers

The dance of the Sun and the Moon is a mesmerizing and enchanting display of spiraling cosmic beauty infusing magic into our lives. As the Sun rises in the east, it illuminates the world with its warm and radiant light, casting long shadows and creating a feeling of energy and vitality. The Moon, on the other hand, rises in the evening sky, casting a soft and serene glow over the land, signaling the time for reflection and introspection.

These cycles are the most ancient systems that guide the daily rhythms of life. And, Sun and Moon are the most amazing Muses to inspire us if we let them! Each cycle is marked by its own unique qualities and sensations, creating a metaphor for the cycles of life. From the bright and fiery intensity of summer to the deep introspection of winter, each season offers its own tone, flavor and aesthetic for creatives. What could it look or feel like to be inspired by whatever season you are in right now? Remember, our external and internal seasons do not always sync up!

Our own winter dreaming is inspiring so many ideas and projects for the seasons to come! Our creative sparks for courses, quests and even more tangible ways to weave joy are in the works! Our focus continues to be on the magic we can distill from our daily lives, from finding the gold in even the hardest parts of this human experience. We’ve been tuning into our hearts for clarity and direction, and listening to the team of cosmic helpers that come in the form of signs, symbols and synchronicity. It’s a time of deep listening for us. And contemplation…

As we spin around the sun (at 67,000 mph!) and our galaxy spirals through space (at 1.3 million mph!!) the cycles of nature influence our daily lives in countless ways. They guide our physical, emotional, and spiritual dreamweaving, providing us with the rhythm and structure we need to thrive. They teach us the importance of balance and harmony, reminding us that life is a constant dance between action and reflection, light and shadow.

Musing along with Sun and Moon, we experience the magic and wonder of the natural world. With all of our senses, we witness the power of transformation and renewal as the cycles of nature unfold. Earth’s rest in winter is a germination period from which sprouts of spring emerge. The beauty and bounty of summer is harvested and celebrated in autumn and we are nourished and prepared for winter once again. We are reminded of the wisdom and intuition that lies within us, and the importance of tuning in to our inner voice. It is the dance of the dreamweavers.

Our beloved moon is deeply associated with our emotions which makes it a powerful muse to help us set our intentions of focus each cycle. When we set an intention – call out a specific desire, set a focus, we are quite literally dishing up our serving of creativity from the quantum cauldron. Imagine the big dipper in the sky as your ladle. Trust the cosmos to offer support & guidance in the form of navigational magic!

As we dance with the Sun and the Moon, we are invited to explore the cycles of life and our own human development. We are encouraged to embrace the lessons and opportunities that each cycle offers, and to use these experiences as a foundation for growth and transformation. The dance of the dreamweaver is a constant reminder of the beauty and power of the natural world, and the wisdom that lies within us all.

How do you tap into seasonal musings? What season are you in?

Wherever we find ourselves… simply begin where and when we are, then gently spiral forward! We love sharing the dance with you, and hope to help you listen to your muses along the way! We’ll spiral around again and again, ever expanding.

Remember, there is no behind, no catching up, we just keep spiraling forward.

🦉What is Owl Alchemy?

What do the words “Owl” and “Alchemy” conjure up for you? Musing on these words can be a profound contemplation. It’s also the name of our late autumn moon cycle, with perfect symbolism for this time of the year.

Owls, often associated with wisdom and mystery, have long held a mystical allure in various cultural and mythological contexts. In the realm of alchemy, these nocturnal creatures are sometimes regarded as symbolic messengers, bridging the gap between the known and the unknown. Their keen senses and silent flight contribute to an air of enigma, mirroring the alchemist’s quest for hidden truths and transformative processes.

In alchemical symbolism, owls are sometimes linked to the concept of inner knowing and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. This has long been another interpretation of the alchemist’s journey—not just turning lead to gold—but to transmute base elements into higher forms of understanding. The owl’s presence in alchemical imagery adds a touch of magic and intuition to the symbolism, embodying the pursuit of esoteric knowledge and the transcendent mysteries of the alchemical arts!

And so, in true Moon Feather Hollow form, straight from the muses themselves, we have a story to illustrate these ideas into something more whimsical that can be more easily applied to daily life!

In the truest spirit of Owl Alchemy, we invite you to create something and post it to social media or send it to someone through the mail to express your creative self AND to brighten someone else’s day!

Of course, we’d love to see it, so tag it #MoonRingCrafting Collective and/or email it to us at magic@moonfeatherhollow.com. If you are feeling extra playful, and inspired by the feathered muse Rumi, send us an image what YOUR owl looks like, tell us it’s name. We’ll make space for it in the Owlery. 😉

Haunted Soiree

I attended a Haunted Soiree—an immersive theatrical production, combined with an old-school variety show, all dressed up as an upscale cocktail party, but with ghosts in attendance! I’m including a photo gallery to enjoy! It was such a fun time!!!

It was held in a historic mansion in Seattle which was built in 1925 as a replica of George Washington’s Mount Vernon home. The house is gorgeous with large open rooms, perfect for gathering. The hosts (an event company called fever) did an amazing job from decorations to actors to storyline. I attended with my husband Russ (you’ll see a picture of us together) and we have decided that we will be making this an annual tradition!

We spoke with each ghost to hear their unique backstory regarding a psychiatric facility in the 50’s. We had to solve murders with the evil doctor as one of many suspects. The characters were loosely based on real life inspirations, including the final days of Grigori Rasputin, the ancient god Veles and other Slavic folktales throughout the centuries. I was especially thrilled to see a mini-play on the stage set with Baba Yaga’s hut.

Are any of you fans of the tv series Umbrella Academy? I swear I met #1 Luther’s doppleganger at the party. No worries if you don’t know him, the key to the story is only that the guy is really tall! Anyway, we were waiting in line on a down direction stairway to get into the next séance session, and he was in front of me. My sense of humor leans a bit sarcastic so I said to him, “I’m taller than you.” (Because it appeared on the stairs that I was. You need to know I am barely over 5 feet tall.) He turns to look at me, quizzically, then straightens up! He had been leaning on the wall prior. “Oops, I guess not.” Then his girlfriend looks at me and busts up laughing as she points out that there are two stairs between us and he is still taller than me. I love people.

We had fun conversations like this with strangers all night long while (both physical and ghosts!) as we drank custom coctails with names like Eerie Eyeball Elixir, Ghoul’s Goblet or Sinister Cider Sipper. Musicians, magicians, and monsterous entertainment kept us enjoying suprises at every turn. The lifesize ouija board as well as the tarot room dividers were amazing!

What are you doing to celebrate halloween season?